Looking for an easy at-home cardio workout? Look no further! We know it’s hard to find time during the day to set aside for exercise. That’s why we’ve got a great workout routine for you to get your blood pumping that will only take five minutes to complete, and there is no equipment required. Cardio exercise can aid in burning fat and calories to increase weight loss. It can strengthen your heart, lungs, and other muscles. Cardio can reduce the risk of heart attacks, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It can help to lower your stress levels, lighten your mood, and enhance your self-esteem. It can reduce arthritic pain and increase joint movability. Cardio has also been found to improve sleep habits. These are just a few of the many benefits of cardio exercise.
Time to work out. Just follow these steps:
- Jump Ropes.Begin by jumping up and down. You may either simulate the action of jumping rope, or you can actually use a jump ropeif you’d like. It is completely up to you. Try jumping on both feet, then switching back and forth between feet. Do this for one minute.
- Ice Skaters. This is another simulation motion. You should start by jumping out onto your right foot with your knee slightly bent. In the same motion, swing your left foot behind your right. Next, jump to your left foot and do the reverse with your right. Once you’ve got the hang of it, add in the arms. When you jump to your right foot, extend your left arm, and vice versa. If it helps, imagine you are trying to ice skate in place. Continue these back and forth motions for one minute.
- Mountain Climbers.Now, get down on the ground in a planking position with your arms straight in front of you for support. You should be on your hands and toes, and your body should make a straight line. Take turns alternating your legs and bringing your knees up toward your chest. Both legs should be moving at the same time. Make sure to keep a nice, smooth rhythm and keep your back flat. Do this for one minute.
- High Knees.Stand up straight and begin jogging in place, making sure to bring your knees up as high as you can toward your chest. You should be landing on the balls of your feet and using a sort of hopping motion to get the most out of this exercise. This should last one minute.
- Burpees.Start by crouching down to the ground with your hands touching the floor. Then, enter into a push-up position by shifting your weight onto your hands and jumping to extend your legs out behind you. Make sure your body is straight from head to toe. Bring your legs back in, returning to the crouching position. From there, jump as high as you can, raising your arms straight above your head, then go right back into the crouching position to restart the rep. Continue this exercise at your own steady pace for one minute.
- Rest.Lastly, take a moment to catch your breath, then you should be ready to tackle the remainder of your day.
If you follow these steps at least once a day, you could see great results and increased health.