Wound Care — How PAD is Connected to Wounds?

Posted on October 9, 2019

In the early stages of PAD, issues with skin on the legs will be one of the first symptoms to show. As those issues progress because of poor circulation, a common ailment is that inflamed skin opens up to wounds, and those wounds won’t heal.

Why won’t the wounds heal if you have PAD? PAD is caused by poor circulation in the legs, and poor circulation inhibits oxygen from adequately reaching the extremities, like your legs and feet. Poor circulation is also the cause of your skin feeling cold to the touch—there’s not enough blood getting to that part of your body.

If blood is not circulating properly and if oxygen isn’t reaching your legs and feet to your open wounds, that’s where our problem is. Wounds require oxygen to heal properly. Poor circulation can prevent open wounds from ever healing, and that leaves your body more vulnerable to infection.

If you have open wounds on your legs or feet, or if you have diabetic foot sores, please book a free consultation today!